Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The Keyes to Failure

Seems Douggie scored himself a major league Loon for his radio "program". Of course, it comes with added dumb;

A Constitutional scholar, Alan Keyes is a strict constructionist, believing the U.S. Constitution should be interpreted and applied as written - not as distorted by dictatorial courts or self-serving special interests.
The stupid it takes to write that sentence is breath taking.

That words are "interpreted" implies that different people will naturally have different interpretations. How the fuck can you be that stupid to suggest something is "applied as written"? This is why we have courts in the first place..

What Doug is saying is that the Constitution should be "interpreted" in the proper wing nut fashion... and in the land of the Loon, that is "as written" by default.

Holy christ he's pretty dim.

Alan Keyes considers himself to be more than a mere economic conservative, or social conservative. He calls himself a "moral conservative" meaning that he sees both the economic and social concerns of America from a moral perspective. He believes that a moral perspective is necessary to govern wisely.
Hey Doug.. be sure to ask him how his homosexual daughter is doing. Is she still kicked out of her own family?

I suppose that's the "moral" position. Cast your own child out and excommunicate her.

Fuck your morals.. you fucking assholes.


Doug.. ask Alan how he lost the Constitution Party nomination for the presidency of these United States to a fellow named Chuck Baldwin..



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