Monday, May 5, 2008

The Death of an Ideology

It's over Johnny.

Among Conservatives the rumblings are constantly about how the Republican Party has left us, moving toward the left, using "Compassionate Conservatism" as an excuse to inject big government into the party. The Republican Party leadership is hardly conservative, and the current nomination for President of the United States, John McCain, is barely better than his two Democrat Party opponents.

The Republican Party has lost its way, and if it is not salvaged soon, the GOP will go the way of the Whigs.
Doug is a peculiar brand of wing nut. They are the sort that Karl Rove appealed to, and gave absolutely nothing but some "faith based initiatives".

Virtually the entire agenda of the Christian right was ignored by Bush. It was all so much lip service, and now.. we see the Republicans running.. screaming.. from the Christian right wing. This is because America has had it with them. If they put up another religious freak candidate, they will lose.. horribly.

All we see from the Christians right now, is candidates that nobody has ever heard of, that will inevitably loose elections.

Their movement is over.. and I'm enjoying seeing them whine about it. The elections this fall will be particularly sweet.. as we pick up more seats in Congress and win the executive.

Still, the wing nuts will persevere.. because that ideology may be inept at governing, but it certainly can criticize. Rush Limbaugh will be in heaven with a Democratic government.


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