Monday, February 9, 2009

Douggie Watch Lives

Because I've become mostly bored with him saying the same shit over and over, I'm going to post highlights here.

He's got another screed about the "evils of Socialism".. despite being too stupid to know what Socialism is.. and in fact.. what Capitalism is. Doug really is too stupid to know anything about economics other than what the rest of the frothing lunatic Conservatives tell him it is.

His post is here;
"Capitalism is a natural tendency of humanity."

That's kind like how the "natural consequence of winning is losing".

Doug doesn't seem to understand that what eventually ended the Great Depression was FDR's New Deal, and World War II. Doug simply wants government to do nothing. He wants the banks to fail, creating mass panic and bank runs.. and the implosion of our entire economic system.

That is what Doug Gibbs wants.

Anyay, my sure to be deleted comment.. with a side note that Sky Dive Rick, he of the "gloves are off, war is one, mother fucker" chest thumping.. has actually written.. nothing.

Really? Do you even know the history of capitalism? Did you know that it did not even exist, nor was described until the 18th century? The word not existing until 1854?

If that's the "natural tendency", it sure did take many thousands of years of human history before it made an appearance.

And yes, this is one of those things that you just say as if it's true, without any referencees, where it turns out not to be true.

Oh.. and I like the quote from Jefferson. That's the whole "punish the rich" thing.

So.. you don't support progressive taxation, eh? We don't know because you won't say anything specific.

Wonder why that is? Hmmm..


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