Liar Liar
Just catching up a bit on the lying and lunacy.
Last Friday, Doug whined about the Obama "stimulus package".. and lied about it. He claims it has many of the spending programs that were removed.
Without debating the actual merits of the programs that were removed, they were removed (such as spending on birth control). Doug is too stupid to know what the current bill contains. Either that, or he's willfully lying.
I'm still curious if he knows he's constantly lying, or if he's just stupid. I'm leaning towards stupid.
Then on Valentines Day, he wrote a very heart warming and touching story about love.
Except for Teh Gay.. Teh Gay is bad..
Only Doug could be so twisted as to turn a holiday post into a bigoted screed. But then, Doug has issues.. doesn't he?
Today, we have.. *drum rolls* yet another bigoted anti-gay rant!
I'm sensing a trend.
This time.. it's about the evils of gay couples parenting children.
Of course, it wouldn't be a Gibb's post without sourcing other whack-a-loon freaks who are singular in their opinion within the community they claim to belong to.
Before I paste in the comment I left for him.. I'll say this one thing...
Doug doesn't think same-sex couples should be allowed to raise a child. If he actually grew the balls to man up and come to my house to take mine.. I'd bring so much misery on him that he'd wish he had never been born.
But.. we know that won't happen.. because, at the heart of it all, Doug is simply a paranoid coward, living in constant fear of the larger world around him that he doesn't understand. The world is leaving him behind as his whole movement crumbles into disgraced dust.
He can type a mean, albeit basically incoherent, game.. but he can't actually do anything that matters.
That's some evidence Doug.. one single person with an agenda, who didn't base her view on any actual science, but rather her own interpretation of "values".
Here is an article by an actual scientist who uses actual data. His opening paragraph sums it up;
Dr. Hansen's article was fortunately labeled "opinion," since none of her remarks are based upon psychological science. In fact, her entire article is based upon beliefs and values that have little been influenced by psychological research or theory. One would hardly know she is a clinical psychologist, given her presumptions that are flawed. It appears that she engages in reverse reasoning: "I believe that a child should have a mother and father as parents, so let me design some reasoning to support this thesis."
So you "can hear the liberal left now", Doug? No you can't. All you can do is post bogus and unsubstantiated rants and delete anything else that runs contrary to it.
Heck, that other "report" you linked to, the Parents 4 Justice, does not source any of the statistics at all. They just plaster them all over the place as if they mean anything. I could make up all kinds of statistics as well.
It's the same thing over and over.. and it's simply a tired argument.
You really do have some bizarre fascination with Teh Gay. Funny how there's absolutely nothing you can do about it. Makes you crazy, doesn't it?
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