Doug vs. the Jews
Doug just loves him some Jew. He's all up into Israel and such.. but we all know what Doug really thinks of Jews. He thinks the same of them as he does any non-Christian.
He thinks they're going to burn in hell of all eternity. I'm not making that up. He's actually said that.
A month ago I went to a rally where anti-Israel protesters had gathered, and I stood with a small pro-Israel contingent there on the streets of Los Angeles with a sign that read, "I Stand With Israel." And while I was there, I got to talking to some of my Jewish companions at that rally, and they were stunned that a believer in Christ would be in their corner. After all, they thought Christians were supposed to be against them too. I was surprised at that. I explained to them that Israel has no greater friend than the American Christian. Christians recognize the lineage that we share with Jews. The Biblical foundations that we both have bind us. The first Christians, also, were Jews.
Actually.. the type of Jew that Doug likes is the one that converts at the "end time", as the Christian cult says they are supposed to. Jews that are stubborn about their religion get to be eternally tormented.
Naturally, I had to ask Douggie about it.. and naturally.. the coward will delete it.
Did you happen to tell your Jewish friends that you were protesting with that they are going to "burn in a lake of fire", for committing the "one unpardonable sin"?
I mean.. that's what you truly believe, and you've said it in no uncertain terms.
I'm just curious if you have the brass to actually say that to a Jew, or are you afraid of their response?
I mean.. you do know that Jew's deny the divinity of Christ.. right?
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