Thursday, July 2, 2009

I Get Mail


Saw on my Google alerts something on your site about me responding to one of your comments. Note, that was only a coincidence. I no longer read your drivel. Reading what you have to say does not benefit me in the least. I simply see that a comment is from you, and delete it. I simply don't have time to waste reading your mindless remarks. It is funny how narcissistic you are, thinking that my writing has anything to do with you.

However, I am still praying for you, hoping the Lord softens your heart, and that you come to the realization of the Lord's love. I pray for you out of concern for your soul.

God Bless,



I suppose the irony of you emailling me to tell me you're ignoring me is lost on you.


ha ha, it just cracked me up when I came across that Google Alert. Despite ignoring your comments, the google alert made sure you caught my attention anyway. Is that what you want? Attention? LOL. You slay me.


No, not attention. I'm actually just having a bit of fun, while making my argument. I realize that nothing anyone could say that isn't along the lines of your ideology isn't going to accomplish much with you. After all, you are the guy that said this;

And remember this, you can't convince me otherwise. If I agreed with you, we'd both be wrong.

I love that quote. It's you in a nut shell.. so to speak.

I used to reference you on my blog fairly frequently, but then I found that I was repeating myself quite a bit. It takes something a little more than your usual whining before I'll mention it now. And that's the problem. You just whine, and hardly ever say anything substantive about policy that can be argued against. If Rush says it today, there's a good bet you'll simply re-write the same thing and post it the next day.

You will not argue with what anyone actually says, but rather just paraphrase and argue against straw-men over and over. I'll leave a snarky comment mostly just to amuse myself, and whether you actually read it or not doesn't mean much to me.. though I suspect you always do. You want to know what people are saying about you even if you just delete it and pretend like you're somehow above it.

Like I've told you before.. the effort to further a political viewpoint can work when contrasting with the other side of the argument. I've always found you to be the perfect foil for doing that, and why I quote you in detail. It would be dull beyond measure to quote and argue against.. say.. George Will. The contrast is much greater with you. You're perfect.

This is why I keep insisting that your style of thinking should claim leadership in the Republican party. Nothing could be a bigger boon to the Liberal agenda. I'm hoping like mad that Palin at least runs in the '12 primary, if not outright win it.

In any case.. just keep on keeping on. It's quite entertaining.. and every once in a while I get an email from you basically asking me what my deal is.. and I keep telling you. It's not about changing your mind. It's not about arguing with you, because you don't actually argue anything. It's all about using you as the pinnacle of what is wrong with the Conservative ideology since Goldwater.. and of course the shear fun in pointing out the absurdity of what you're saying.

Oh.. and thanks for the concern about my "soul". I'm pretty sure my god thinks I'm doing just fine. I won't be praying to my god to change you.. because you are simply awesome as you are.. 172 IQ and all!!


I rarely get the chance to listen to Rush, so if we talk about the same thing, it is a coincidence more often than not. My favorite used to be Glenn Beck, but I am usually not home when he is on TV, and he is no longer on local radio, so I never get to listen to him anymore. Anyhow, I am glad I amuse you, but at the same time saddened that you are so deep into the deception and lies of the left that you are unable to recognize at least a little truth. It is a real shame, really, because you are a bright mind.

And I'm saddend he's living in whacko-world..

Not really.. it's awesome.. lol


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