Thursday, July 2, 2009

I Get Mail


Saw on my Google alerts something on your site about me responding to one of your comments. Note, that was only a coincidence. I no longer read your drivel. Reading what you have to say does not benefit me in the least. I simply see that a comment is from you, and delete it. I simply don't have time to waste reading your mindless remarks. It is funny how narcissistic you are, thinking that my writing has anything to do with you.

However, I am still praying for you, hoping the Lord softens your heart, and that you come to the realization of the Lord's love. I pray for you out of concern for your soul.

God Bless,



I suppose the irony of you emailling me to tell me you're ignoring me is lost on you.


ha ha, it just cracked me up when I came across that Google Alert. Despite ignoring your comments, the google alert made sure you caught my attention anyway. Is that what you want? Attention? LOL. You slay me.


No, not attention. I'm actually just having a bit of fun, while making my argument. I realize that nothing anyone could say that isn't along the lines of your ideology isn't going to accomplish much with you. After all, you are the guy that said this;

And remember this, you can't convince me otherwise. If I agreed with you, we'd both be wrong.

I love that quote. It's you in a nut shell.. so to speak.

I used to reference you on my blog fairly frequently, but then I found that I was repeating myself quite a bit. It takes something a little more than your usual whining before I'll mention it now. And that's the problem. You just whine, and hardly ever say anything substantive about policy that can be argued against. If Rush says it today, there's a good bet you'll simply re-write the same thing and post it the next day.

You will not argue with what anyone actually says, but rather just paraphrase and argue against straw-men over and over. I'll leave a snarky comment mostly just to amuse myself, and whether you actually read it or not doesn't mean much to me.. though I suspect you always do. You want to know what people are saying about you even if you just delete it and pretend like you're somehow above it.

Like I've told you before.. the effort to further a political viewpoint can work when contrasting with the other side of the argument. I've always found you to be the perfect foil for doing that, and why I quote you in detail. It would be dull beyond measure to quote and argue against.. say.. George Will. The contrast is much greater with you. You're perfect.

This is why I keep insisting that your style of thinking should claim leadership in the Republican party. Nothing could be a bigger boon to the Liberal agenda. I'm hoping like mad that Palin at least runs in the '12 primary, if not outright win it.

In any case.. just keep on keeping on. It's quite entertaining.. and every once in a while I get an email from you basically asking me what my deal is.. and I keep telling you. It's not about changing your mind. It's not about arguing with you, because you don't actually argue anything. It's all about using you as the pinnacle of what is wrong with the Conservative ideology since Goldwater.. and of course the shear fun in pointing out the absurdity of what you're saying.

Oh.. and thanks for the concern about my "soul". I'm pretty sure my god thinks I'm doing just fine. I won't be praying to my god to change you.. because you are simply awesome as you are.. 172 IQ and all!!


I rarely get the chance to listen to Rush, so if we talk about the same thing, it is a coincidence more often than not. My favorite used to be Glenn Beck, but I am usually not home when he is on TV, and he is no longer on local radio, so I never get to listen to him anymore. Anyhow, I am glad I amuse you, but at the same time saddened that you are so deep into the deception and lies of the left that you are unable to recognize at least a little truth. It is a real shame, really, because you are a bright mind.

And I'm saddend he's living in whacko-world..

Not really.. it's awesome.. lol

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Museum Shooting

Doug on the Holocaust Museum shooter;

The spin on the left is that the suspect, James Von Brunn, is an agent of the GOP's "Christian-fascist" base. The truth is, via Melissa Clouthier, this guy's a deranged Holocaust denier. He represents no one on the conservative right - not me, nor any of those with whom I associate.

That's all you've got to say? Really?

That shooter agrees with you on virtually every policy position, but he's not a member of the "conservative right"? Really?

LGF has "joined the other side"? Really?

Just because they're not completely insane, they're on the other side?

All I can say is.. wow.


Updating the use of this blog o' doom.. I usually leave a snarky comment on just about every Doug Gibbs screed.. and since he deletes them all, I'll just keep a running log of them.. just for fun.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Doug vs. the Jews

Doug just loves him some Jew. He's all up into Israel and such.. but we all know what Doug really thinks of Jews. He thinks the same of them as he does any non-Christian.

He thinks they're going to burn in hell of all eternity. I'm not making that up. He's actually said that.

A month ago I went to a rally where anti-Israel protesters had gathered, and I stood with a small pro-Israel contingent there on the streets of Los Angeles with a sign that read, "I Stand With Israel." And while I was there, I got to talking to some of my Jewish companions at that rally, and they were stunned that a believer in Christ would be in their corner. After all, they thought Christians were supposed to be against them too. I was surprised at that. I explained to them that Israel has no greater friend than the American Christian. Christians recognize the lineage that we share with Jews. The Biblical foundations that we both have bind us. The first Christians, also, were Jews.

Actually.. the type of Jew that Doug likes is the one that converts at the "end time", as the Christian cult says they are supposed to. Jews that are stubborn about their religion get to be eternally tormented.

Naturally, I had to ask Douggie about it.. and naturally.. the coward will delete it.

Did you happen to tell your Jewish friends that you were protesting with that they are going to "burn in a lake of fire", for committing the "one unpardonable sin"?

I mean.. that's what you truly believe, and you've said it in no uncertain terms.

I'm just curious if you have the brass to actually say that to a Jew, or are you afraid of their response?

I mean.. you do know that Jew's deny the divinity of Christ.. right?

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Doug the MBA

The Mind of the Obama Follower does not understand that Tax and Wage Increases on Business Hurts The Middle Class

That's the title of a new(ish) screed from Teh Loon. Here's a typical piece of brilliance from Doug Gibbs;

A few weeks ago I caught a radio program that had a caller that said to the host, "One of the solutions to our economy is to increase wages across the board so that people can have more money in their pocket."
I realize this is not typical of people to believe such idiocy. After all, this is a largely center-right nation that abhors the idea of worsening the economy any worse than it is. But there are a great many folks that actually think as did this caller. They think about what is on the surface, or what fits their bill the best, or what will help the wallet the most directly in the short term, but they never consider the long term ramifications of such actions, or decisions.

Wages, like taxes, are to a business owner just another cost of doing business. Large corporations will survive the increase of wages and taxes, for the most part, by simply passing the increased cost on to the consumer. So, with increased minimum wages, or wages increased to a "living wage" as the liberals call it, you may be making more in your paycheck, but in the long run, it will all catch up to you in the higher cost of goods, services, and so forth.

Small businesses, however, are destroyed by higher taxes and wages. And small business is the link between the wealthy, and the middle class. Although large corporations create a great number of jobs, move goods, and are essential to our economy, the small business is the life blood of our economy. And this is where the majority of the product and services movement in our economy comes from.

Doug doesn't understand the basics of small business. It's pretty stunning how wrong he is, but what really amuses me is the degree of assurance he has that he's absolutely correct, and everyone else is the "idiot".

Anyway.. I left a comment for him that he deleted, of course. The big point is that most small businesses do not pay any taxes at all. This is because the business owner pays himself the profits of the company. That's an expense to the company, and so the net profit of the company is zero, or close to zero. The tax burden on zero.. is zero.. The business owner pays his normal income taxes of course, and higher wages would eat into that profit. Nobody is suggesting that there should be any wage controls beyond minimum wage.

I swear.. he's the dumbest and most assured "blogger" on the planet. It's so awesome.. Oh.. and if you like, check out the comment on the blog from SkyDiveRick. It's glorious.. and what is it with the Loons writing everything in a giant wall of text? Lrn2paragraph for fucks sake.


Of course, you don't actually cite anyone who claims that market rates for salaries should be adjusted beyond the bare minimum wage. You simply make up some "caller" and then paraphrase what they've said, and proceed to argue against it.

That tactic is such bullshit, and you do it over and over.

Nobody is suggesting what you've claimed that person said, and I defy you to show me who has. But you won't, because you can't, and you'll just delete this.

Of course, the logical disconnect of your post is the level to which taxes should be set. By your logic, any taxes on business owners should have the effect you describe, but it does not. Do you know why that is?

At what level do taxes change from revenue producing instruments for effective government into business and employee robbing of income?

You do not say.. you never say.. because you really don't understand the economics of it.

What is your tax proposal? You don't say... because you don't really know. All you know is the same post you write over and over in various forms about how "taxing the wealthy" is a bad thing. You don't describe in what way taxes remove "opportunity" from anyone.

All you can do.. all you ever do.. is setup a straw man argument, one that nobody I know has, and argue against it in vague and paranoid ways.

It is exactly the same way you don't understand the health care debate, because you don't have the relevant information. All you know how to do is generalize and attack in broad themes.

Did you know that the vast majority of small businesses do not pay any business tax? Do you know why that is? I'm betting you don't, because you don't understand anything about running an incorporated business that employs people. If you did have the slightest clue, you'd know why what you've claimed is completely untrue.

so delete Mr. Strawman. I'll make hay with this in my usal way.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Liar Liar

Just catching up a bit on the lying and lunacy.

Last Friday, Doug whined about the Obama "stimulus package".. and lied about it. He claims it has many of the spending programs that were removed.

Without debating the actual merits of the programs that were removed, they were removed (such as spending on birth control). Doug is too stupid to know what the current bill contains. Either that, or he's willfully lying.

I'm still curious if he knows he's constantly lying, or if he's just stupid. I'm leaning towards stupid.


Then on Valentines Day, he wrote a very heart warming and touching story about love.

Except for Teh Gay.. Teh Gay is bad..

Only Doug could be so twisted as to turn a holiday post into a bigoted screed. But then, Doug has issues.. doesn't he?


Today, we have.. *drum rolls* yet another bigoted anti-gay rant!

I'm sensing a trend.

This time.. it's about the evils of gay couples parenting children.

Of course, it wouldn't be a Gibb's post without sourcing other whack-a-loon freaks who are singular in their opinion within the community they claim to belong to.

Before I paste in the comment I left for him.. I'll say this one thing...

Doug doesn't think same-sex couples should be allowed to raise a child. If he actually grew the balls to man up and come to my house to take mine.. I'd bring so much misery on him that he'd wish he had never been born.

But.. we know that won't happen.. because, at the heart of it all, Doug is simply a paranoid coward, living in constant fear of the larger world around him that he doesn't understand. The world is leaving him behind as his whole movement crumbles into disgraced dust.

He can type a mean, albeit basically incoherent, game.. but he can't actually do anything that matters.


That's some evidence Doug.. one single person with an agenda, who didn't base her view on any actual science, but rather her own interpretation of "values".

Here is an article by an actual scientist who uses actual data. His opening paragraph sums it up;

Dr. Hansen's article was fortunately labeled "opinion," since none of her remarks are based upon psychological science. In fact, her entire article is based upon beliefs and values that have little been influenced by psychological research or theory. One would hardly know she is a clinical psychologist, given her presumptions that are flawed. It appears that she engages in reverse reasoning: "I believe that a child should have a mother and father as parents, so let me design some reasoning to support this thesis."

So you "can hear the liberal left now", Doug? No you can't. All you can do is post bogus and unsubstantiated rants and delete anything else that runs contrary to it.

Heck, that other "report" you linked to, the Parents 4 Justice, does not source any of the statistics at all. They just plaster them all over the place as if they mean anything. I could make up all kinds of statistics as well.

It's the same thing over and over.. and it's simply a tired argument.

You really do have some bizarre fascination with Teh Gay. Funny how there's absolutely nothing you can do about it. Makes you crazy, doesn't it?

Monday, February 9, 2009

Douggie Watch Lives

Because I've become mostly bored with him saying the same shit over and over, I'm going to post highlights here.

He's got another screed about the "evils of Socialism".. despite being too stupid to know what Socialism is.. and in fact.. what Capitalism is. Doug really is too stupid to know anything about economics other than what the rest of the frothing lunatic Conservatives tell him it is.

His post is here;
"Capitalism is a natural tendency of humanity."

That's kind like how the "natural consequence of winning is losing".

Doug doesn't seem to understand that what eventually ended the Great Depression was FDR's New Deal, and World War II. Doug simply wants government to do nothing. He wants the banks to fail, creating mass panic and bank runs.. and the implosion of our entire economic system.

That is what Doug Gibbs wants.

Anyay, my sure to be deleted comment.. with a side note that Sky Dive Rick, he of the "gloves are off, war is one, mother fucker" chest thumping.. has actually written.. nothing.

Really? Do you even know the history of capitalism? Did you know that it did not even exist, nor was described until the 18th century? The word not existing until 1854?

If that's the "natural tendency", it sure did take many thousands of years of human history before it made an appearance.

And yes, this is one of those things that you just say as if it's true, without any referencees, where it turns out not to be true.

Oh.. and I like the quote from Jefferson. That's the whole "punish the rich" thing.

So.. you don't support progressive taxation, eh? We don't know because you won't say anything specific.

Wonder why that is? Hmmm..