Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Just a Reminder

From the beginning we should have gone in with guns blazing, destroyed a few cities, turned some sand to glass, allowed for collateral damage, and showed the world that if you screw with the United States your nation is going to suffer. We should have went in from a position of strength. We should have went in as the Superpower that we are.

Now, with us tippy-toeing around all of this politically correct B.S., we have lost the war because we have refused to fight it. Bush has allowed himself to use rules of engagement that handcuffs our troops because he's worried about what the Left may say. And we have allowed the Media and the Left to dictate the direction of the conflict, and to prosecute our troops through court martials for them doing their job.

Screw the Left, screw political correctness, and fight the damn war! Don't quit until victory is achieved!
Shorter Doug;

Nuke a few cities.. and send a message to the world that we'll nuke you if you fuck with us (and maybe even if you didn't).. and make you suffer..

The war is lost because George Bush is a pussy... and allows the military to call a "war crime" a war crime... but we need to stay in the war until the "lost" war suddenly becomes a win.. no matter how many American soldiers die. (that is the McCain theory btw)

And screw the liberals who were right all along.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008


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The Keyes to Failure

Seems Douggie scored himself a major league Loon for his radio "program". Of course, it comes with added dumb;

A Constitutional scholar, Alan Keyes is a strict constructionist, believing the U.S. Constitution should be interpreted and applied as written - not as distorted by dictatorial courts or self-serving special interests.
The stupid it takes to write that sentence is breath taking.

That words are "interpreted" implies that different people will naturally have different interpretations. How the fuck can you be that stupid to suggest something is "applied as written"? This is why we have courts in the first place..

What Doug is saying is that the Constitution should be "interpreted" in the proper wing nut fashion... and in the land of the Loon, that is "as written" by default.

Holy christ he's pretty dim.

Alan Keyes considers himself to be more than a mere economic conservative, or social conservative. He calls himself a "moral conservative" meaning that he sees both the economic and social concerns of America from a moral perspective. He believes that a moral perspective is necessary to govern wisely.
Hey Doug.. be sure to ask him how his homosexual daughter is doing. Is she still kicked out of her own family?

I suppose that's the "moral" position. Cast your own child out and excommunicate her.

Fuck your morals.. you fucking assholes.


Doug.. ask Alan how he lost the Constitution Party nomination for the presidency of these United States to a fellow named Chuck Baldwin..


Git Off Muh Lahn

Teh Stupid - it burns.

"Creeping Incrementalism" is the term for the slow change of society we are experiencing. Some people would compare our society's road to social demoralization and destruction to a frog slowly boiling in a pot. The frog swims around in the warm water, enjoying the sauna-like conditions, never realizing he is being slowly cooked until death approaches, and by then it is too late to bail out of the pot.

Tick, tick, tick. . .
Doug seems to have coined a phrase. Too bad it's all made up bullshit. Who are these mythical "some people"? Seems that "some people" are crazy fuckers like you Doug.

I just don't get this idea that the world is going to hell in a hand basket. By every measure, we are far better off than human beings have been in the past. Each generation brings more freedom, more tolerance, more enlightenment.. and if not for the occasional wars started by the religious freaks (of all stripes), things would be pretty awesome when set in a historical context.

Doug can write a really long post, and not say anything. What time period in the past would Doug like to revert to? Pick a year.. any year.. Did it have slavery? How about misogynistic laws? How about wars? How about religious persecutions and the murder of millions?

How about we have one of those societies where everything is wonderful and peaceful.. until the Romans invade, kill all the men, enslave all the women, and pillage entire nations? Would that be better?

This is simply one of those classic Doug posts where he whines a lot and doesn't actually say anything. It's very odd, this entire class of people, that seems to think that somehow the past was better.. and they just make it up.. yank it right out of their ass.. and offer it up as if it's a given. It's completely unsubstantiated.. just like Doug's post. There's not a shred of credibility or evidence to be found in the entire thing, yet he thinks it's just one of those "truths" that should be so obvious to everyone.

As I look at today's society, I find it strikingly similar to passages of scripture that describes Earth's final days. Are we living in those times? I believe we may. One thing is for sure, we are a generation experiencing a moral decline like never seen before in America.

Tick, tick, tick. . .

And as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man. Luke 17:26
A "moral decline"? Did you actually say that? Holy Fucking Shit. This nation was integral in the morality of slavery.. of owning human beings.. of using them as property and killing them at will.. of women having few rights.. of war after war after war.. and you think society today is in "decline"?

You sir, are the dumbest human being alive.

What is with this "tick" thing? Are you trying to convey the point that "each little thing adds up"? It's fucking annoying as shit.. using it over and over like that. I mean, I understand you're an incredibly bad writer.. but for.. fucks.. sake.. man.. what the fuck?

I do like the paragraph though.. OMG it's Teh Lat Daze!!111

Fucking rapture freaks.. How the fuck do you think you should have a single viewpoint on anything when you're that fucking insane? He denies evolution, thinks humanity dates back 6000 years, and wants to nuke Iraqi cities... and now thinks that at any moment Jesus is going to make an appearance and we're all going to die.

And the Rapture freaks are actually looking forward to that.. the wholesale destruction of every last human being.

God damn what a freak.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Douggie Sez

In regards to the Middle East, I recognize that it is a tragedy that our fine young men and women are dying on foreign soil. Like the majority of Americans, I want nothing more than for our troops to return home. But I also understand that we can't do that, not without finishing the job in Iraq and Afghanistan first. If we were to abandon the region, it would be a victory in the eyes of the enemy, thus encouraging them to promote another major terrorist attack against the U.S., and it sends the message to the world that we cannot be trusted to finish what we start.
He doesn't define "victory", nor suggest how that can be accomplished, when clearly it hasn't happened yet.

Because Doug is concerned with what the terrorists think, as it would be a "victory in their eyes", we must continue to spend American blood and treasure.

I don't give a fuck what the terrorists think.. and I not pissing myself with the idea that somehow they would be "emboldened"... as if they can do something that they aren't already doing..

The liberal left demands that we pull out of Iraq and allow the country to fall into the hands of the Islamic terrorists, and their supporters (like Iran) . . .
Apparently the majority of our own military is now the "liberal left".

A new poll to be released today shows that U.S. soldiers overwhelmingly want out of Iraq - and soon. The poll is the first of U.S. troops currently serving in Iraq, according to John Zogby, the pollster. Conducted by Zogby International and LeMoyne College, it asked 944 service members, “How long should U.S. troops stay in Iraq?” Only 23 percent backed Mr. Bush’s position that they should stay as long as necessary. In contrast, 72 percent said that U.S. troops should be pulled out within one year. Of those, 29 percent said they should withdraw “immediately.”
That was in 2006.

Anybody got more recent numbers?